New Zealand WHV: what to do once you've applied.

-This post is about the New Zealand WHV from a french perspective. Be aware that these advices shall not apply for your country if you don’t live in France, for laws and specifities are simply not the same from one country to another.-

Getting your New Zealand Working Holiday Visa,

It’s as simple as cutting a kiwi in two.

(Lire cet article en Français!)

Therefore, once you’ve decides to apply, once you’ve clicked on the New Zealand Immigration Website and once you’ve received the WHV confirmation in your mail box, then, well… This is when the big mess starts.

Here are some (good) advice for your self-mess-organisation.

Going to New Zealand:

  • Looking for a working holiday fare flight, more likely an open ticket (this way you’ll already be having a return ticket, but beware, this ticket will only be available one year), and if possible a changeable route (this way it’ll be possible to add some stopover in Thailand or HongKong for example). You should really trust a travel agency for this matter. I choose to trust Havas Voyage, Rue du 22 Novembre, in Strasbourg, and they found me a great and affordable plane ticket, thanks to Australie Tours.
  • You’d better subscribe a multi-risks insurance. I choose to trust Global Partner.
  • Booking a few nights in a hostel or with Couchsurfing for your arrival, so you’ll be able to apply for IRD, get a debit card, a sim card, etc, with an address!
  • Get vaccined. There’s required vaccins for New Zealand, but it’s recommended to say FUCK to Typhoïd, Hepatites, Rage and the Japanese Encephalite, as well as others weird diseases that can occurred in other countries than New Zealand in your big journey.
  • Getting a medical check up and get a prescription for heaps of medications that you probably won’t use. It’s time to enjoy our effective health care system.
  • Getting your international driver license. It’s fast and free. And who knows, you might get tired of buses and hitch hiking under the rain!
  • Downloading the IRD number appliance (imperative if you want to work in New Zealand)
  • Subscribing the WOOFING and/or HelpX websites. You might want to milk cows or do some kiwi picking in exchange of free food and free accommodation.

Leaving France :

  • Don’t forget to tipp off: Post, Taxes, Bank, your landlord, CAF, CPAM, Pôle Emploi (don’t know any english equivalences for these ones, sorry)
  • Resign your: lease (3 months before), your phone combo, your internet fare, insurances, electricity, etc. (about 15 days before departure)
  • Leave your flat: sell your stuff, and find a place to stock the rest (At your parent’s, grand parent’s, in a storage box)

And once everything’s done, let’s go to New Zealand, bro!

New Zealand WHV: what to do once you've applied.
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